Standing Up for City College

Case background

City Attorney Dennis Herrera filed twin legal actions on August 22, 2013, to stop the unlawful threat to the accreditation and the very existence of City College of San Francisco.

One action was a lawsuit against the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, or ACCJC, alleging that their intended revoking the accreditation of San Francisco City College was improperly motivated by political bias, did not respect the institution’s right to due process, was tainted by the Commission’s conflicts of interest, and was the product of failure to follow procedures required by law.

Herrera also filed an administrative complaint with the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the public agency that on paper oversees the state’s 112 community colleges and 72 community college districts. That complaint alleges that the Board abdicated the authority given to it by law to provide oversight and determine eligibility for public funding.

If City College were to lose its accreditation, the 80,000 student strong institution would become ineligible for state funding and almost certainly have to close its doors permanently.

San Francisco City College Timeline

January 2, 2014
The Hon. Curtis E. Karnow of San Francisco Superior Court grants the City Attorney’s motion for a preliminary injunction, which forbids the ACCJC from revoking City College’s Accreditation for the duration of the lawsuit, and acknowledges that the City Attorney has a substantial likelihood of prevailing on the merits of the case.

Download the press kit, including the Court’s order granting the preliminary injunction

November 25, 2013
The City Attorney’s office files a motion for preliminary injunction in its case against the ACCJC, which if granted would forbid the ACCJC from revoking City College’s accreditation for the duration of the case.

Download the press kit, including the plaintiffs’ legal pleadings in support of our motion

August 23, 2013
The City Attorney’s office files two legal actions on the same day, one suit in state court against the ACCJC, one administrative appeal at the Board of Governors of California Community Colleges.

Download the press kit, including the plaintiff’s legal pleadings, or read City Attorney Herrera’s remarks announcing the lawsuit

August 13, 2013
In a letter to the Chairwoman, the U.S. Department of Education threatens to revoke the accreditation powers of the ACCJC unless it comes into compliance with federal rules

July 3, 2013
In a letter to the interim Chancellor, Commission President Barbara Beno announces the ACCJC’s June 2013 decision to revoke City College’s accreditation effective July 31, 2014.

March 15, 2013
The City College Board of Trustees issues a Show Cause Report to the ACCJC detailing the measures they have undertaken to bring the school into compliance with accreditation standards.

July 2, 2012
The ACCJC writes a letter informing the interim Chancellor that CCSF must show cause that its accreditation should not be revoked, and instructing CCSF to prepare a Show Cause Report.