Statement from City Attorney Dennis Herrera on the NRA dropping its lawsuit

City Attorney Dennis Herrera issued the following statement today about the National Rifle Association’s decision to dismiss its lawsuit against San Francisco over the City’s resolution condemning the organization

City Attorney Dennis Herrera

SAN FRANCISCO (Nov. 7, 2019) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera issued the following statement today about the NRA’s decision to dismiss its lawsuit against San Francisco over the Board of Supervisor’s resolution condemning the organization:

“We’re pleased the NRA backed down on its frivolous lawsuit. This was a baseless attempt to silence San Francisco’s valid criticisms of the NRA and distract from the gun violence epidemic facing our country. San Francisco will never be intimidated by the NRA. If the NRA doesn’t want to be publicly condemned for its actions, it should stop sabotaging common sense gun safety regulations that would protect untold numbers of Americans every year, like universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines.”

The case is: National Rifle Association of America v. City and County of San Francisco et al., U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California case number 3:19-cv-05669, filed Sept. 9, 2019. More information can be found on the City Attorney’s website: