Interning with the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office

What’s it like to be an intern at the City Attorney’s Office? Former interns discuss their experiences, including addressing the coronavirus.
Former interns at the City Attorney’s Office weigh on what their time in the office was like.

The City Attorney’s Office welcomes some of the brightest legal interns into our ranks every semester. Interns work closely with our deputy city attorneys and receive mentoring and guidance as they do hands-on work on unfolding legal projects. Our interns are team members. They draft briefs, manage attorney-client relationships and conduct research. City Attorney interns also take part in events, tours and lectures that the office schedules for interns every season. As team members, interns work on the pressing legal cases and issues handled by our office, like supporting public health initiatives in response to the coronavirus pandemic or San Francisco’s bid to acquire certain PG&E assets to create safe, affordable and reliable public power. Kristin Lahaszow, UC Hastings College of the Law, interned for the Government Team during the Spring 2020 program and shared what it was like working for the City Attorney’s Office in the lead-up to San Francisco’s response to coronavirus:

As the COVID-19 situation progressed, I was asked to look at the statutory provisions cited in the first Public Health Order and look into any possible cases where violations of similar health orders were held accountable – either through fines or arrest. This was extremely interesting because there was very little case law on this topic because this is such a unique and unprecedented experience. Seeing how quickly all sectors of local government sprung into action in partnership with the private sector was an invaluable insight into collaborative teamwork.

Learn more about what our prior interns said to see what their experiences at the office were like.

Interested in applying to our program? Learn how to apply to be an intern.