Statement from City Attorney Dennis Herrera on Court of Appeal ruling against Uber and Lyft

Unanimous decision upholds preliminary injunction to require Uber and Lyft to properly classify their drivers as employees

City Attorney Dennis Herrera

SAN FRANCISCO (Oct. 22, 2020) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera issued the following statement today about the First District Court of Appeal’s unanimous decision to uphold the lower court’s ruling that directs Uber and Lyft to properly classify their drivers as employees:

“This decision makes it abundantly clear that Uber and Lyft have been breaking the law for years. The only thing ‘radical’ and ‘unprecedented’ is the scope of Uber and Lyft’s misconduct. This is a victory for the people of California and for every driver who has been denied fair wages, paid sick days, and other benefits by these companies. For too long Uber and Lyft have illegally denied their drivers basic workplace protections and shifted that burden onto drivers and taxpayers. Uber and Lyft have pocketed millions of dollars by leaving drivers in the lurch and taxpayers to foot the bill. The law is clear: Drivers can continue to have all of the flexibility they currently enjoy while getting the rights they deserve as employees. The only thing preventing that is Uber and Lyft’s greed.”

You can read the decision by the First District Court of Appeal here.

The case was brought in partnership by Herrera, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, San Diego City Attorney Mara W. Elliott, and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.

Additional information is available on the City Attorney’s website at:

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