Herrera statement on TWU Local 250A’s authorization to strike

In response to questions the City Attorney’s Office has received as a result of Local 250A informing the SFMTA that its members have approved an authorization to strike, City Attorney Dennis Herrera made the following statement:

“The SFMTA is in the middle of bargaining with the transit operators (represented by Local 250A of the Transport Workers Union). These negotiations hold the promise of improving Muni service to the public while treating the City’s valued workers fairly. At this point, I understand that the union members have only given their leaders preliminary authorization to call a strike, and that the union has not actually threatened to strike. Should those circumstances change – and particularly if it appears a threatened or actual strike will significantly disrupt public transportation and endanger the public welfare – we will take appropriate legal recourse. The terms of the existing MOU prohibit a strike, and the Charter declares that strikes by City employees are not in the public interest. Instead, the Charter establishes procedures for binding arbitration before a neutral third party to resolve bargaining impasses. We hope and expect that TWU Local 250A will abide by the terms of the contract and the Charter as they seek to resolve their differences with the SFMTA.”