Herrera joins amicus brief urging injunction against Arizona immigration law

Fourteen cities and counties argue that the draconian new law conflates federal and local roles, undermines local law enforcement
Arizona SB 1070 challenge amicus brief presskit (June 16, 2010)
Arizona SB 1070 challenge amicus brief presskit (June 16, 2010)

SAN FRANCISCO (June 16, 2010) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera today joined public sector law offices representing fourteen cities and counties from six states in urging a federal judge in Arizona to halt implementation of SB 1070, the Grand Canyon State’s draconian new anti-immigration law, until its constitutionality is fully adjudicated.

Jurisdictions joining in the amicus curiae brief in support of Arizona plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction are: the County of Santa Clara, Calif.; the City of Baltimore, Md.; the City of Berkeley, Calif.; the City of Los Angeles, Calif.; the County of Los Angeles, Calif.; the City of Minneapolis, Minn.; the County of Monterey, Calif.; the City of New Haven, Conn.; the City of Palo Alto, Calif.; the City of Portland, Ore.; the City of Saint Paul, Minn.; the City and County of San Francisco, Calif.; the City of San Jose, , Calif.; and the City of Seattle, Wash. The brief, which is dated June 15, was served on parties in the case late yesterday.

Today’s public sector filing in support of a preliminary injunction argues that the controversial Arizona law conflates the distinct roles and responsibilities of federal and local governments, impermissibly requiring local governments to regulate immigration, and undermining the ability of local law enforcement to ensure public safety.

The case is Friendly House, et al., v. Michael B. Whiting, et al., in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, Case No. CV 10-1061-PHX-JWS. PDF copies of the amicus curiae pleadings are available on the City Attorney’s Web site at https://www.sfcityattorney.org/.