Herrera hails federal court ruling blocking provisions of Arizona immigration law

San Francisco had last month joined with other cities, counties in urging federal court to enjoin controversial SB 1070 law

SAN FRANCISCO (July 28, 2010) — City Attorney Dennis Herrera today praised a federal judge’s ruling blocking key provisions of Arizona’s draconian new immigration law from taking effect tomorrow, as originally scheduled. The 36-page ruling by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton granted portions of a request for an injunction by the Obama Administration’s Justice Department, which argued that the SB 1070 law is unconstitutional and could result in racial profiling and harassment of American citizens, legal immigrants, and foreign tourists.

Provisions of Arizona’s law now enjoined from taking effect include requirements that police seek to determine the immigration status of those they arrest; that police detain those they reasonably suspect of being in the United States illegally, even if enforcing other laws; that foreign nationals be required to carry documentation of lawful immigration status at all times; and a prohibition on undocumented workers soliciting employment in public places.

“Like many Americans, we’re breathing a sigh of relief with today’s ruling,” Herrera said. “Were it allowed to take full effect, Arizona’s law would pose very serious problems for local law enforcement’s ability to protect public safety. It could also open the door to similar problems for local governments around the country. I applaud Judge Bolton for addressing the issues thoroughly and reaching a prudent, well-reasoned decision.”

Last month, Herrera joined public sector law offices representing fourteen cities and counties from six states in a separate lawsuit to halt implementation of SB 1070 until its constitutionality is adjudicated. Jurisdictions joining in that amicus curiae brief in support of Arizona plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction were: the Counties of Santa Clara, Calif.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Monterey, Calif.;and the Cities of Baltimore, Md.; Berkeley, Calif.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Haven, Conn.; Palo Alto, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Saint Paul, Minn.; San Francisco, Calif.; San Jose, , Calif.; and Seattle, Wash.

The case in which today’s injunction was issued is United States of America v. State of Arizona et al., U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, Case No. CV 10-1413-PHX-SRB. The case to which San Francisco is amici is Friendly House, et al., v. Michael B. Whiting, et al., in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, Case No. CV 10-1061-PHX-JWS.