
Who We Are

The City Attorney is the municipal lawyer for the City and County of San Francisco.

In general, our office:

  • represents the City and County in all civil legal proceedings;
  • provides consistent, independent, and objective legal guidance and problem-solving to City and County departments, boards, commissions, and elected officials such as the Mayor and Board of Supervisors;
  • drafts and approves as to form legislation, bonds, contracts, and real estate transitions and development documents;
  • conducts public integrity investigations to root out conflicts of interest and corruption in City and County services and spending;
  • investigates, evaluates, and recommends disposition of all claims made against the City and County;
  • makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding the settlement or dismissal of legal proceedings; and
  • actively investigates and sues to protect and advance the rights of San Francisco residents, workers, and communities, focusing on civil rights, climate change, consumer protection, housing and homelessness, and workers’ rights.


We invite San Francisco residents and taxpayers to provide input on our office’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget. Please email us your input at: budget@sfcityatty.org.

What’s Next?

Our office will hold a public meeting on February 13, 2024 at 9 a.m. to get input on our budget. The meeting will be held at 1390 Market St., Fox Plaza, 7th Floor.