Pursue Your Obsolescence: 2005 Commencement Address to Golden Gate University Law School Graduates

Pursue Your Obsolescence: 2005 Commencement Address to Golden Gate University Law School Graduates (PDF) Prepared remarks for City Attorney Dennis Herrera: commencement address to graduating law students of Golden Gate University School of Law, at the Nob Hill Masonic Center, 1111 California Street in San Francisco, California (May 13, 2005)

The ‘New’ New Federalism

By Dennis Herrera
[Originally published in the San Francisco Chronicle, January 3, 2005]
When Ronald Reagan used his 1983 State of the Union Address to foreshadow a sweeping proposal to devolve vast powers from the federal government back to states and localities, he described his New Federalism initiative as an effort “to restore to states and local governments their roles as dynamic laboratories of change in a creative society.”

Republicans’ Attacks on Probity of Federal Judiciary Are Un-American

By Dennis Herrera
[Originally published in the Los Angeles Daily Journal and San Francisco Daily Journal, November 22, 2004]
FOR THE 48 percent of American voters justifiably concerned about Bush administration claims to an electoral “mandate” as a result of the Nov. 2 election, last week presented still another example of political arrogance, this one far more troubling.

Commencement Address to Political Science Graduates of San Francisco State University’s Class of 2004

Commencement Address to Political Science Graduates of San Francisco State University’s Class of 2004 (PDF) Prepared Remarks for City Attorney Dennis Herrera to the SFSU Political Science Department’s Honors and Awards Ceremony and Reception, at the University Club, San Francisco State University (May 28, 2004)