Appellate court upholds SF law that prevents discrimination against Section 8 renters; Lembi-affiliated landlord, real estate broker must accept federal housing vouchers
Web-based rental car company refuses to get permit, pay fees, or follow traffic congestion rules, unlike all other ‘off-airport’ rental car companies operating at SFO
PG&E’s shoddy work resulted in a Casitas Avenue landslide that destroyed one home and damaged five others, leaving the city to foot the nearly $8 million bill
Thousands of unwitting Hertz customers routinely charged $32.25 for a single bridge crossing. Case brought to counter long-standing problem and compensate victims.
For decades, Lacayo & Associates defrauded clients with large fees for services they were neither qualified nor legally authorized to provide—risking clients’ immigration cases
Herrera beats back motion by American Beverage Association to preliminarily enjoin San Francisco from enforcing health warnings on fixed ads for sugary beverages