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Landlord neglected the property and allowed tenants to live in illegal and unsafe units
Judgments bring accountability to landlords who profited off unsafe units
Court order holds landlords accountable for allowing tenants to live in illegal and unsafe units
Landlords neglected properties creating hazardous conditions for tenants and neighbors
Decision protects affordable housing for dozens of low- to moderate-income residents
Landlord illegally converted units leading to serious fire safety risks
San Francisco’s largest landlord conforms tenant rules to Union-at-Home Ordinance
Landlords allowed immigrant tenants to live in illegal and unsafe units
Landlords have neglected the property creating hazardous conditions for vulnerable residents
Brief argues Seattle’s “fair chance” ordinance fights discrimination in rental housing and reduces recidivism
Decision protects tenants from bad-faith rent increases and coerced evictions
Lem-Ray and Chuck Post have been forced to halt their illegal practice of refusing to accept Section 8 vouchers
Settlement with real estate developer Ashok Gujral is a warning to other house flippers tempted to flout the law
Herrera says ‘residents will finally be able to live their lives in peace’
City enforcement has so far returned 21 homes to their intended purpose — providing affordable housing to San Franciscans who need it
Herrera calls decision a ‘victory for San Francisco tenants’
The owners will pay $185,000 in civil penalties and be barred from any short-term rentals of the Bernal Heights property for five years
Owners also barred from short-term rentals on any of their properties until May 2025
Santa Monica’s common sense regulations ensure online businesses don’t have an unfair advantage
Settlements include protections to prevent tenant exploitation after about two dozen tenants were found living in an underground firetrap