The following are S.F. City Attorney news releases in reverse-chronological order. For more information, contact the Community and Media Relations Office at +1 (415) 554-4662 or
Accepting the American Jewish Committee’s 2004 Judge Learned Hand Human Relations Award. Prepared Remarks for City Attorney Dennis Herrera to the American Jewish Committee, at St. Francis Hotel, Colonial Room 335 Powell Street, Union Square San Francisco, California (January 27, 2005)
Inter-Tel’s $7 Million Settlement with U.S. Justice Dept. Nets Additional $1 Million Reward for SFUSD, for $4.4 Million Total Whistleblower Recovery To Date
Blowing the Whistle on E-RATE Fraud (PDF) Prepared Testimony for City Attorney Dennis Herrera, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, 2123 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515 (July 22, 2004)
Settlement Sends Strong Message to Local Animal Care Agencies Nationwide of ‘Forceful, Activist Role to Play’ to Prevent Neglect, Mistreatment by Pet Retailers
Sunshine Training Introduction (PDF) Prepared Remarks of City Attorney Dennis Herrera, City Attorney’s Annual Sunshine Training, Herbst Theater, San Francisco (May 3, 2004)