The following are S.F. City Attorney news releases in reverse-chronological order. For more information, contact the Community and Media Relations Office at +1 (415) 554-4662 or
‘This case was always about a bank bailout, plain and simple. None of that money would have gone to taxi medallion holders. We’re pleased the jury saw through the disinformation being put out by the other side.’
“Now it’s time for the FDA to finish the job and apply the same public health standard to Juul, which is Big Tobacco’s stalking horse and has targeted children.”
“We will continue to root out corruption wherever we may find it, and we welcome the efforts of other law enforcement agencies as we each endeavor to ensure good, ethical government for the people of San Francisco.”
“We are pleased that Mr. Santos and Mr. Curran have been indicted on federal criminal charges. Our own investigations of these defendants have already been publicly disclosed.”
“The Trump Administration tried to block decades of progress because it refused to accept science. It’s time to relegate that administration and its policies to the compost bin of history.”
Wong and his companies will repay $1.45M received under contracts with the City, plus pay $317,000 in penalties for ethics violations. The settlement also bars Wong and his companies from doing business with the City or acting as a permit expediter for five years.
“This cements our victory and ensures long-term help for working families. That’s what the voters approved, and it’s needed now more than ever as we work together to get our lives, our economy and our communities back on track.”
“All of us must look into our hearts and do what is right to keep our country moving forward on the path of racial justice. Never be afraid to do the right thing.”