Ethics and Sunshine Training

The City Attorney’s Office is among the agencies that offer trainings and publicly available written guidance for city officials and employees to keep them informed about their responsibilities to conduct the public’s business with transparency and ethical integrity. Although these resources are primarily created for city leaders and workers, all San Franciscans can benefit from the information they provide about local government’s duty to function ethically and transparently on behalf of the people it serves.

Requirements for City Officers and Employees

City officers and employees who are required to file annual Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) must annually complete ethics training. (See San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.205 and California Government Code Section 53235.)  Many City commissioners and department heads must also annually complete Sunshine Ordinance training. (See San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.33 and San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.103(a) and (b).) The training and filing requirements must be completed online using the Ethics Commission’s e-filing system.  For more information about these training requirements, visit the Ethics Commission’s website.