List of Commissions & Boards

This web page lists all boards, commissions, and advisory bodies of the City and County of San Francisco (the “City”) that have been created by the City Charter, City ordinance, or California statute. This list was last updated on Oct. 24, 2022.

This page is also available as a downloadable PDF document here:

The City Attorney’s Office prepared this list in response to the Civil Grand Jury’s June 2014 report entitled “Survey of San Francisco Commission Websites,” and has updated it periodically.  The Civil Grand Jury’s report found that “[t]here is no easy reference to all of the commissions in San Francisco,” and recommended that “[t]he City Attorney should ensure that there is an annual list of active commissions that is complete and listed alphabetically.” The list below does not include the following types of bodies:

  • City advisory bodies created by the Mayor or a City agency but not created or approved through legislation.
  • Boards and commissions whose jurisdiction is not limited to the City (e.g., Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board, Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board, Transbay Joint Powers Authority Board, and Metropolitan Transportation Commission).
  • Boards and commissions that govern agencies distinct from the City (e.g., Board of Education, Governing Board of the Community College District, Housing Authority Commission, Law Library Board of Trustees, Parking Authority, Health Authority, Local Agency Formation Commission, Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure, and Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency).

The list below is separated into two alphabetized sections. The first section includes boards and commissions that have decision-making authority and whose members are required to file financial disclosures with the Ethics Commission under the City’s Conflict of Interest Code (S.F. Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code, Article III, Chapter 1). The second section includes boards, commissions, task forces, and other bodies that serve an advisory function, whose members are not required to file financial disclosures with the Ethics Commission. For each board, commission, or other body, we provide a citation to the section of the Charter or Municipal Codes authorizing the body. Some boards or commissions are authorized under State law as well, but the list does not include citations to State law unless there is no local citation.  Some of these bodies may not currently hold regular meetings, but the legislation authorizing them remains on the books.

A. Boards and Commissions Whose Members File Statements of Economic Interest with the Ethics Commission

  • Abatement Appeals Board (Building Code § 105A.2) (members of the Abatement
    Appeals Board file as members of the Building Inspection Commission)
  • Access Appeals Commission (Building Code § 105A.3)
  • Airport Commission (Charter § 4.115)
  • Arts Commission (Charter § 5.103)
  • Asian Art Commission (Charter §§ 5.102, 5.104)
  • Assessment Appeals Board (Administrative Code § 2B.1)
  • Board of Appeals (Charter § 4.106)
  • Board of Examiners (Building Code § 105A.1)
  • Board of Supervisors (Charter, Art. II)
  • Building Inspection Commission (Charter § 4.121)
  • Children, Youth and Their Families Oversight and Advisory Committee (Charter §16.108-1; Administrative Code § 2A.233)
  • Children and Families First Commission, also called First Five San Francisco (Administrative Code § 86.1)
  • Citizen’s Committee on Community Development (Administrative Code § 2A.290)
  • Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee (Administrative Code §5.30)
  • Civil Service Commission (Charter §§ 10.100, 10.101)
  • Commission on the Environment (Charter § 4.118)
  • Commission on the Status of Women (Charter § 4.119)
  • Disability and Aging Commission (Charter § 4.120)
  • Elections Commission (Charter § 13.103.5)
  • Elections Task Force, also known as the Redistricting Task Force (Charter § 13.110) [Note: the Elections Task Force is constituted only once every ten years, and is not currently active.]
  • Entertainment Commission (Charter § 4.117)
  • Ethics Commission (Charter § 15.100)
  • Film Commission (Administrative Code § 57.2)
  • Fine Arts Museums Board of Trustees (Charter §§ 5.102, 5.105)
  • Fire Commission (Charter § 4.108)
  • Health Commission (Charter § 4.110)
  • Health Service Board (Charter § 12.200)
  • Historic Preservation Commission (Charter § 4.135)
  • Human Rights Commission (Charter § 4.107)
  • Human Services Commission (Charter § 4.111)
  • Immigrant Rights Commission (Administrative Code § 5.201)
  • Juvenile Probation Commission (Charter §7.102)
  • Library Commission (Charter §8.102)
  • Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors (Charter §8A.102)
  • Our Children Our Families Council (Charter § 16.127-1; Administrative Code § 102.1)
  • Planning Commission (Charter § 4.105)
  • Police Commission (Charter § 4.109)
  • Port Commission (Charter § 4.114)
  • Public Utilities Commission (Charter § 4.112)
  • Public Utilities Rate Fairness Board (Charter § 8B.125)
  • Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee (Administrative Code §5A.30)
  • Public Works Commission (Charter § 4.141)
  • Recreation and Park Commission (Charter § 4.113)
  • Refuse Rate Board (Health Code § 290.6)
  • Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board (Administrative Code § 37.4)
  • Residential Users Appeal Board (Board of Supervisors Ord. 191-78; Public Utilities Commission Res. No. 03-0112)
  • Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board (Charter § 12.204)
  • Retirement Board (Charter § 12.100)
  • Sanitation and Streets Commission (Charter § 4.139)
  • Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board (Charter § 4.137)
  • Small Business Commission (Charter § 4.134)
  • SOMA Community Stabilization Fund Community Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.27-1)
  • Southeast Community Facility Commission (Administrative Code § 54.2)
  • Sunshine Ordinance Task Force (Administrative Code § 67.30)
  • Treasure Island Development Authority Board of Directors (Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33492.5)
  • War Memorial Board of Trustees (Charter § 5.106)
  • Workforce Investment Board (Administrative Code § 30.4)

B. Advisory Bodies Whose Members Do Not File Statements of Economic Interest with the Ethics Commission

  • Adult Day Health Care Planning Council (Administrative Code § 44.1)
  • African American Arts and Cultural District Community Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.30-1)
  • African American Reparations Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.46-1)
  • Ballot Simplification Committee (Municipal Elections Code § 610)
  • Behavioral Health Commission (Administrative Code § 15.12)
  • Bayview Hunters Point Citizens Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.70)
  • Bicycle Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.130)
  • Cannabis Oversight Committee (Administrative Code § 5.38-1)
  • Capital Planning Committee (Administrative Code § 3.21)
  • Child Care Planning and Advisory Council (Administrative Code § 5.200)
  • Citizens Advisory Committee for Street Utility Construction (Administrative Code § 5.66)
  • City Hall Preservation Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.240)
  • Close Juvenile Hall Working Group (Administrative Code § 5.40-1)
  • Code Advisory Committee (Building Code § 105A.4)
  • Commission on Aging Advisory Council (Administrative Code § 5.54)
  • Commission of Animal Control and Welfare (Health Code § 41.2)
  • Committee on City Workforce Alignment (Administrative Code § 30.5)
  • Committee on Information Technology (Administrative Code § 22A.3)
  • Committee for Planning Utility Construction Program (Administrative Code § 5.63)
  • Committee for Utility Liaison on Construction and Other Projects (Administrative Code § 5.63)
  • Community Corrections Partnership (Cal. Penal Code §§ 1228-1233.8)
  • Dignity Fund Oversight and Advisory Committee (Charter § 16.128-11; Administrative Code § 5.34-1)
  • Disaster Council (Administrative Code § 7.4)
  • Eastern Neighborhoods Community Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.32-1)
  • Early Childhood Community Oversight and Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.13-1)
  • Family Violence Council (Administrative Code § 5.19-1)
  • Food Security Task Force (Administrative Code § 5.10-1)
  • Free City College Oversight Committee (Administrative Code § 5.2-1)
  • Graffiti Advisory Board (Administrative Code § 5.18-1)
  • Guaranteed Income Advisory Group (Administrative Code § 5.47-1)
  • Housing Code Enforcement Loan Committee (Administrative Code § 40.14)
  • Housing Conservatorship Working Group (Administrative Code § 5.37-1)
  • Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board (Administrative Code § 5.45-1)
  • Inclusionary Housing Technical Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.29-1)
  • Industrial Development Authority Board (Administrative Code § 42.1)
  • In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (Administrative Code § 70.2)
  • Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (Cal. Welfare and Institutions Code §§ 749.2-749.27)
  • Local Homeless Coordinating Board (Administrative Code § 5.31-1)
  • Market and Octavia Community Advisory Committee (Planning Code § 341.5; Board of Supervisors Res. No. 474-08)
  • Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group (Administrative Code § 5.44-1)
  • Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.23-1)
  • Municipal Green Building Task Force (Environment Code § 702)
  • Municipal Transportation Agency Citizens’ Advisory Council (Charter §8A.111)
  • Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee (Administrative Code § 5.41-1; Business and Tax Regulations Code § 2810)
  • Park, Recreation, And Open Space Advisory Committee (Charter § 16.107; Park Code § 13.01)
  • Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.4-1)
  • Public Utilities Citizen’s Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.140)
  • Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund Committee (Administrative Code § 8.24-5)
  • Reentry Council (Administrative Code § 5.1-1)
  • Relocation Appeals Board (Administrative Code § 24.7)
  • Residential Rehabilitation Area Rent Committees (Administrative Code § 32.34)
  • Residential Rehabilitation Area Citizen Advisory Committees (Administrative Code §§ 32.30, 32.30-1)
  • Residential Rehabilitation Loan Committee (Administrative Code § 32.32)
  • San Francisco Reinvestment Working Group (Administrative Code § 5.16-1)
  • Service Provider Working Group (Administrative Code § 2A.234)
  • Sentencing Commission (Administrative Code § 5.250)
  • Shelter Monitoring Committee (Administrative Code § 20.305)
  • Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.36-1)
  • Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Task Force (Administrative Code § 5.28-1)
  • South of Market Community Planning Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.26-1)
  • State Legislation Committee (Administrative Code § 5.5)
  • Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners Advisory Committee (Police Code § 2400)
  • Street Utilities Coordinating Committee (Administrative Code § 5.60)
  • Structural Advisory Committee (Building Code § 105A.6)
  • Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 5.33-1)
  • Supportive Housing Services Fund Committee (Administrative Code § 10.100-131(f))
  • Sweatfree Procurement Advisory Group (Administrative Code § 12U.6)
  • Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Citizens Advisory Board (Board of Supervisors Res. No. 89-99)
  • Treasury Oversight Committee (Administrative Code §5.9-1)
  • Urban Forestry Council (Environment Code § 1200)
  • Veterans’ Affairs Commission (Administrative Code § 5.100)
  • Workforce Development Advisory Committee (Administrative Code § 83.8)
  • Youth Commission (Charter §§ 4.122, 4.123)